Reflecting on my internship at Morley, I fully appreciate how much I learned. I gained valuable insights that went further than what I learned in the classroom. I was able to get a hand-on experience that allowed me to challenge myself in real-world scenarios. This helped me to deepen my understanding of architecture and the design work that goes into it. I had the opportunity to work on a variety of tasks, not only site-visits. I was able to complete renderings, help with construction documents, and sit in on many client meetings. One of the most impactful experiences was the Heritage Federal Call Center. As I have said before, being on-site truly bridges drawings and reality along with what I learn in school. Especially with the Heritage Federal Call Center being close to home, I am able to now drive by the finished product. This internship at Morley was an eye-opening experience that determined my passion for architecture and future career development.